SciENcv: NSF Requirements

SciENcv & NSF

New NSF guidelines go into effect for all proposals submitted for October 2023 mandating the use of SciENcv for biosketches and current/pending support documents. PDF templates will no longer be allowed for any NSF submissions

SciENcv is a great way to ensure your personnel documents are always up-to-date and follow the latest guidance from NSF. In addition, other federal sponsors including Department of Energy recommend the use of SciENcv biosketches and current/pending support documents.

Users can create and manage their biographical sketch and current and pending support documents in the same “Manage SciENcv” section of the application.


Trouble Signing In

If you’re experiencing trouble logging into SciENcv and you have an NSF ID and password, NSF encourages –

  1. verify your NSF ID and password
  2. reset your NSF password if necessary
  3. contact the NSF Help Desk at or 1-800-673-6188 (7am-9pm ET; Monday – Friday except federal holidays)
Update your Biosketch and Current/Pending

New Users

New users who have not previously created documents in SciENcv, can navigate to the  “Click here to create a new CV” link in the SciENcv portlet to create a profile.

Returning SciENcv Users

Returning SciENcv users will see links in the SciENcv portlet to their previously created documents, including biographical sketches and current/pending.

To work on an existing document, you can click on the document name listed in the SciENcv portlet or select the “Manage SciENcv” button.

How To –

After clicking “Manage SciENcv,” users will be able to click “Create New Document” to prepare either a new NSF Biographical Sketch or Current and Pending Support document.You will then be asked to select which document type you are creating. Be sure to select the appropriate document type (NSF Biosketch or NSF Current and Pending Support), as the “NIH Biosketch” is selected as the default. Users can also select a previously created document to modify.


NSF also created these FAQs to address your questions.

Delegation Access

Any My NCBI account holder can set up one or more delegates for their My NCBI account. Once a delegate has accepted their invitation, the delegate(s) has the ability to view, edit, and create profiles in the original account holder’s SciENcv, as well as edit the account holder’s My Bibliography information.

1. Log in to your My NCBI account
2. Select your username in the top-right corner of the screen to access the Account Settings page
3. Under “Delegates,” select “Add a delegate”
4. Enter your delegate’s email address and select “OK”

1. Log in to your My NCBI account
2. Check your email for the delegate request. If you haven’t received the request email, be sure to check you spam folder – the email comes from
3. Use the link in the delegate request email to accept and confirm the delegation

1. Log in to your My NCBI account
2. Select your username in the top-right corner of the screen to access the Account Settings page
3. If you have sent one or more delegate requests, you will see a table in the Delegates section:
This delegation request has not been accepted as indicated by the “Awaiting confirmation” status. Refer your delegate to the instructions on how to accept a delegate request.

Note that the Public or Private settings on the My Bibliography or SciENcv screens have no effect on your delegate’s ability to view and make changes to these resources. Should you wish to remove a delegate, use the red “X”. Should you wish to give a delegate access to only one resource, use the checkboxes as appropriate.

NSF also created these FAQs to address your questions.

Who needs to use SciENcv?

All Senior Personnel – PI, co-PI, and Senior Personnel – need to update their biosketch and current/pending documents to the approved SciENcv format. This goes into effect October 2023.

Is there a guide?

NSF has created this helpful guide for accessing and using SciENcv.

What format is acceptable?

NSF proposers will be required to use the updated version from SciENcv for their biosketch and current/pending documents effective October 2023. Don’t delay, update your documents today!

Your Proposal Analyst can help asnswer questions!

Contact your Proposal Analyst or email if you have questions