Set Up Subaward
The ORA contract team sets up subawards on projects for PIs. The subaward scope of work (SOW) clearly defines the award objectives and deliverables.
Monitor Subaward
The subrecipient can invoice Mines for cost reimbursement once a subaward is officially approved, fully executed, and work on the award begins. Subrecipients are instructed to send invoices to:
The ORA post award team reviews subrecipient invoices and verifies they are in compliance with Mines, federal, state, and sponsor requirements.
What does the PI need to do? The PI should review the time frame the invoice is referring to and certify that the amount listed matches the level of service Mines received from the subrecipient. Once certified, the PI e-mails ORA that the invoice is approved for payment.
An invoice can be rejected for the following items:
- Subrecipient has not met technical requirements
- There is a cost which was not in the original budget, i.e.:
- Travel
- Student Salary
- Equipment
If the PI needs to reject an invoice, the PI should e-mail ORA that the invoice is rejected and include a brief explanation. ORA will work with the PI and subrecipient to resolve the issue.
ORA submits approved invoices to Mines’ Accounts Payable department for processing and issuance of payment.
Financial Reporting
On average, there are quarterly or annual reporting periods, in addition to the final report. The ORA post award team verifies that all financial reports have been received from the subrecipient.
Close Subaward
When closing out a subaward, ORA will be working with the PI on the following checklist items:
- Verifying all Reports / Deliverables have been submitted and are acceptable.
- Final Property Report has been received, if applicable.
- Final Invention Report has been received, if applicable.
- The Final invoice has been reviewed and certified.
The PI will inform ORA if there are any issues which need to be resolved prior to paying the final invoice.
The subrecipient award must be closed prior to closing the primary award; see post-award closeout for more information.
Add or Remove a Subrecipient
To add or remove a subrecipient from an award, contact ORA; we will review the project to determine the Sponsor’s requirements.
Who do I contact regarding a subaward?
For all subaward related questions such as invoicing, payment, documentation or modifications, email