FY2025 Fringe Benefit Rates

Academic Faculty
PERA 43.8%
MDCP 33.5%
Converted 43.4%
Research Faculty
PERA 45.2%
MDCP 35.1%
Converted 47.5%
Administrative Faculty
PERA 44.9%
MDCP 34.4%
Converted 45.5%
Benefit Ineligible
PERA 24.1%
MDCP 14.2%
Converted 24.2%
Classified Staff  
All 44.9%

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FY2024 Fringe Benefit Rates

Academic Faculty
PERA 37.0%
MDCP 30.2%
Converted 38.6%
Research Faculty
PERA 37.7%
MDCP 30.3%
Converted 39.9%
Administrative Faculty
PERA 37.8%
MDCP 29.7%
Converted 40.0%
Benefit Ineligible
PERA 24.1%
MDCP 14.0%
Converted 23.8%
Classified Staff  
All 40.7%

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For Multi-year Budgets, Fringe is Escalated Based on the Following

Academic Faculty 0.5
Research Faculty 0.5
Administrative Faculty 0.5
Classified Staff 0.5
Partial (PERA) Benefits 0.5

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FY2022-FY2027 Indirect Cost Rates – Organized Research
  Federal / State (on campus) Federal / State (off campus) Industry / Private (on campus) Industry / Private (off campus)
FY2022-FY2027 (7-1-2022 to 6-30-2027) 51.5% 26.00% 63.70% 38.2%

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FY2022-FY2027 Indirect Cost Rates – Instruction/Department Research
  On Campus Off Campus
FY2022-FY2027 (7-1-2022 to 6-30-2027) 51.00% 26.00%

Return to top Current ONR IDC Rate Agreement (PDF) FY26-27 ONR IDC Rate Agreement (PDF)

Indirect Cost Rate Note: Mines’ approved indirect cost rate is negotiated with our cognizant audit agency, the Office of Naval Research. The Modified Total Direct Cost (MTDC) base is calculated by excluding capital expenditures (buildings, individual items of equipment, alterations and renovations), the portion of each subaward in excess of $25,000, participant support costs, and graduate student tuition, fees, and insurance.